2019 France Summercamp 1024X768

Coeliac Youth of Europe

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Coeliac Youth of Europe - CYE

CYE is an umbrella organization of European coeliac youth groups. It works within the AOECS. Spread all over Europe – the CYE representatives join each other at an annual meeting.

CYE is an international forum for raising awareness, exchanging knowledge and working together for a better future! The vision of CYE is “Improve life conditions for young people with coeliac disease”.

CYE has many different activities. They are creating programmes and initiatives like; international summer camps, networks for travelling, how and where to get gluten-free food in Europe (Travel Net), co-operations with other organizations, an online magazine (Beat the Wheat) and many more. Browse the website (www.cyeweb.eu) to see them all!


Visit CYE website