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My coeliac story

Lindsay 2


United Kingdom

A Bolt From the Blue

“I've chosen the title "A bolt from the blue" (meaning something that comes as a complete surprise) to describe my story of being diagnosed with coeliac disease. This is because it was a real shock to me - no one else in my family had this disease, and I had none of the "typical" gastrointestinal symptoms that are associated with this condition. So it certainly wasn't something I expected to have to live with myself!

Two years ago, I was suffering from extreme fatigue, almost constant migraines and increasing anxiety. Thinking I was just struggling with my mental health after the trials of the coronavirus pandemic and the chaos of bringing up two young children, I asked my doctor for a general blood test.

When I got the results, my iron levels were so low I was told to go to hospital immediately as I might need a blood transfusion. It took a few more consultations with a few doctors before someone suggested I might be anaemic due to coeliac disease. Sure enough, blood tests showed my coeliac markers were extremely high.

I found the sudden transition to living with a lifelong autoimmune disease and adjusting to a gluten-free lifestyle very overwhelming at first. It was constantly on my mind, and food is such a huge part of life that constantly looking our for gluten was exhausting.

Two years later, I have now got so used to checking food labels and being alert that it's just part of daily life for me. I still think about it a lot, and sometimes it's still frustrating, but I'm definitely learning to live with it more normally.

Thanks to the gluten-free diet and iron supplements, I'm now so much healthier and happier than I was before too. So though it came as a surprise, I am actually grateful to have been diagnosed as coeliac. It has given me an opportunity to take control of my health and life and keep myself well."

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