Biodegradeable Green

Webinar on biodegradeable food packages


Can biodegradeable food packages
contaminate gluten free food?

Date: Recording, view at your convience
Where: Online
Presenters: Floris van Overveld; Director of the Dutch Coeliac Society,  Susanna Neuhold; National Food Area manager of Italian Celiac Association, Cristina De Abreu Rodrigues; Master in Food Technology and Control at Spanish Coeliac Society (FACE) and Carmen Sorice; Chemical Engineer at the Italian Institute of Packing,
Moderator; Tunde Koltai - Chair AOECS Board


Three independent studies conducted by different European coeliac societies reveal that gluten can migrate from biodegradable containers into packaged gluten free food.

The results of the studies showed that gluten free food was contaminated with gluten with values well over the maximum gluten threshold allowed for coeliac food consumption.

At the moment, European legislation does not regulate the use of allergens in Food Contact Materials (FCM) such as packages and tableware.

In this webinar, the findings from the studies was presented to the public to start a debate about the risks of using biodegradeable packages containing gluten and seek for possible ways forward.

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